Wood furniture or floors become dirty frequently, and cleaning them seems a hassle because water can damage them easily. 

But don't worry! You are in the right place. After reading the blog you will know the easiest technique of how to clean wood furniture or floors and remove sticky spots without damaging them. 

Moreover, we will tell you about a unique cleaning cloth and an easy procedure to make a solution for cleaning at home. So keep reading until the conclusion to get tips from our experts. Hope, this will be very beneficial for you. 

How to Clean Wood Furniture or Floors

Cleaning wooden furniture is sometimes very annoying but after reading this we hope your feeling may change because it will become an easy task for you. Let me start with what you need to do this household work. 

Materials for Cleaning

Two-piece of microfiber cloth

Homemade cleaning solution 

Soap (Optional)

Water (Optional)

Mineral spirit (Optional) 

Step 1: Homemade Cleaning Solution Preparation

It is not right to use all-purpose cleaning spray for wooden furniture. So, our experts give you a remedy of homemade cleaning solution with 4 readily available ingredients. This homemade solution will not damage the wood. 

Required Component

Olive oil

Lemon juice 

Denatured alcohol

Gum turpentine  

Process First, decide how much solution you need to clean your wood furniture or floor. Then take a bowl according to your amount. 

Now add equal parts of each of the ingredients within the bowl.The magic solution is ready to apply. 

Step 2: Cleaning Wood Furniture or Floors

Carelessly cleaning the furniture can damage your furniture. So we will recommend you follow our professionally provided technique. 

Initially, take a piece of microfiber cloth. You can try Jacquard Microfiber Mop  (spot or line) for your wooden furniture and  Microfiber Blending Mop  for your wooden floors. Using these microfibers will prevent damage to your wood products.

Then, dip one microfiber cloth into the bowl of cleaning solution, smoothly twist it, and wipe your furniture or floors. The microfiber cloth will soak water so that water can't damage the wood.

After wiping it with a wet cloth, immediately wipe it with another dry microfiber cloth. It will absorb all excess water. Then you will get clean furniture or floor. 

Step 3: Sticky Spots Removing

In step 2, you know how to clean wood furniture or floor for daily dusting. But if you observe spots of sticky residue, then you should try the following;Make a solution of water and dishwashing solution

Then, wet a Jacquard microfiber mop with the solution and wipe the furniture in a circular motion, then quickly dry with another mop. 

Step 4: Applying Mineral Spirits

It is the ultimate treatment that you should apply in an extreme situation. After applying the first 3 steps, if you don't get a solution, you can try mineral spirits at the problematic place of your wooden furniture or solution. Make sure proper ventilation of working time. 

Final Words

We try to provide you with an exceptional blog that can solve your problem on how to clean wooden furniture or floors. You can follow these steps to get clean and new-looking furniture or floors. But keep in mind to test all the solutions to an out-of-sight portion of your future first. If any reaction occurs, avoid the solution.

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